Merry Christmas Family and Friends! This years blog post is going to replace some late Christmas mailings! I am still going to print for my peeps who won't catch this virtual vibe, but here we go! What a year! 2022 has been eventful and I am going to do my best to hit the highlights in no particular order - just as they hit my spirit. I know I say this every year - but I am going to keep this short - no really I am!!
Both Isadore and I celebrated milestone birthdays this year! We adore Isadore 70th Birthday celebration was one for the books! We had a great time at Maggiano's with family and friends from near and far. Carmen and I team-tagged and made it special for my honey bunches of oats!
On 12-22-22 I turned 55! It was the perfect day! I ran a couple of errands early that morning before a storm hit and I spent the rest of the day relaxing and binge watch The Best Man Final Chapters! So good...Isadore came home early from work and we chilled together the rest of the night - that's what I call a perfect day.
My Mom and Dad both have had some medical challenges this year. My dad is in the hospital as I type this but recovering well. Kansas City and StL have had weather that prevents me from getting on the road right now, but I will be laying eyes on him soon as the weather breaks.
My mommy was diagnosed with Stage 1.5 Triple Negative Breast Cancer the latter part of the summer. She was at the doctor for one thing and they found that. Thank God because this is normally a very aggressive type of Breast Cancer, but because they caught it early her treatment options were better. She had surgery and it was successful. She was supposed to have Chemo but due to the success of the surgery she didn't have to go that route. She had radiation therapy for a few weeks and in November, she rung the bell Cancer free! I was on the road to Louisville several times over this period of time, and even though we were dealing with something very serious and scary, I loved the time I was able to spend with my mother. She and I talked more in the past three months than we have our entire lives combined. I am grateful for the way the Lord worked things for her good. I was honored to have that time with her as well as my Louisville fam. I thank God for her village that helps me care for her from here - Tiffany, Tobias, Tamera, Uncle James, Aunt Rhonda, and of course - where would we be without my Auntie. I love you guys and Moma and I thank God for how you love and care for my momma.

I went to several funerals this year and said goodbye to some - family, LifeChangers and friends as well. But I also went to some weddings and was able to witness the unions of my nephew TJ and his bride, and my friends Crystal, Samantha and Jennifer. I celebrated graduations like CT and other family and friends as well - Class of 2022 baby!
Speaking of the Class of 2022 - shoutout to those ministers and elders that were licensed and ordained with me this year from our Homiletics class. I preached my initial sermon this year after accepting my call to the ministry last year. It was the most humbling experience I have ever had. I just want to thank my Bishop and First Lady and those who made it possible with their mentorship and guidance over the years.

New Life has been off the chain this year. We have been busier than ever and I welcomed a new addition to my staff - my assistant Ashton. Along with him came my new adopted family - Jessica, Ashton, Jr. and Aria. He has been a great help to me and I bless God for him. New Life LifeGroups have been outstanding this year as well - changing lives all over the Metro East! We welcomed Dr Ken to the staff and he is a blessing to us!
My BFF Vivian and I didn't have a road trip this year but we did travel to KC late last year to visit when my sister passed. Both of us have been BUSY but 2023 will have some road pics of us together. Her store - Divine Thrift and Consignment is booming and she was ordained an Elder the same day I was licensed as minister.
Isadore and I got a couple of trips in this year - heading to Clarksville for graduations and to Louisville for weddings and managed to do a staycation in St Louis on our Anniversary. 2023 is the passport year - we are looking at a cruise! I will let you know in 2023 letter....

Charles is doing well with coaching and training and graphics and more! He is on his grind. Cameron visited us this year and is doing well with his music as well. Cayelon is working hard and doing well in St Louis and getting promotions and more at his job. Cayla is working hard in California and got her drivers license this year. Carmen continues to wow us with her creativity and more! She is transforming rooms and styling everything around her. She is still grinding on the road as a very successful comedian. Check her out when she is at a city near you. Ron, Teil and the Baltimore peeps are doing well and we love to hear from them on Facetime. 2023 will have to include a trip back up there to see them!
Finally, my coaching and consulting business is growing as well. I had several training and development contracts as well as speaking engagements this year with school districts, community organizations, social clubs and more. I was hard at work for Delta earlier in the year on several committees and more. Getting back into it for Founders month next month.

I published my Gurl with a PLAN Planner earlier this year! It is an UNDATED Planner and Journal that can be started whenever you are ready to GET IT DONE! I will have some group coaching sessions on Mondays in January too! (https://www.dagnebarton.com/event-details-registration/a-gurl-with-a-plan-monday-mindset-board-meeti. Excited about that.
So that's what is called the best I can do for a snippet! It's hard to say in one page how the Lord has blessed in 12 months. In fact, I had forgot things until I pulled out my phone for these collages! I am a blessed woman and I am grateful for how he keeps making a way! Enjoy the pictures I picked from and pay no attention to my many hair styles, as you know a sister has Hair A-D-D!

Love you the MOST! Blessings in 2023 I pray for you! Don't read this and think it's been ALL GOOD - I just choose to speak the blessings as there have been many even in the midst of storms. God is still on the throne in all our situations and I thank him for making it already alright - for me AND for you! Call me or Text Me to let me know you got this, read this and made it to the end! 618.593.3311 or email gurlthatsu@gmail.com.